SMAC Prestige
How do I become a SMAC Prestige member?
To be eligible for a SMAC Prestige membership, you must have spent a cumulative amount of at least P150,000 at SM Store and other SM Retail Stores within 12 months upon registration.
Your membership will be automatically upgraded as you reach the spending requirement.
How will I know if I qualified for a SMAC Prestige membership?
You’ll be notified of your membership promotion via SMS or email that you can process the claiming of your card.
How do I get my SMAC Prestige Card?
To claim your SMAC Prestige Card, visit the Customer Service Counter inside any SM Store. Present the SMAC communication (via email or SMS) of your promotion, and a valid ID.
Can I still use my existing SMAC (blue or Start) if I haven’t claimed my SMAC Prestige Card?
Yes, you can still use your unexpired SMAC (blue) or SMAC Start Card for points earning and redemption until you claim your SMAC Prestige Card.
What happens to the points I earned using my SMAC?
Your points earned from your SMAC Start or SMAC will automatically be pooled to your SMAC Prestige membership.
How long is my SMAC Prestige membership valid?
Your SMAC Prestige membership is valid for twelve (12) months from the day after you meet the spend requirement.
How do I renew my SMAC Prestige membership?
Your SMAC Prestige membership will be automatically renewed if you maintain the minimum spending requirement of Php 120,000 at any SM Store and other SM Retail stores, within the validity of your membership or before the expiry of your card.
How do I know if I have qualified for SMAC Prestige membership renewal?
For SMAC Prestige renewal, DAC reserves the right to track your spending and automatically qualify members for renewal. On the month of card expiry, if you've met the renewal spend requirement, you will receive a notification about your automatic renewal on the 1st week of the following month. Make sure your contact information is updated to receive notifications from SMAC.
Will I be provided with a new SMAC Prestige Card when I meet the Php120,000 spend requirement?
Yes. Visit the Customer Service Counter inside any SM Store, present the SMAC communication (via email or SMS) of your renewal, your existing SMAC Prestige Card, and a valid ID.
Can I still use my old SMAC Prestige Card while waiting to claim my new one?
Yes, you can still use your old SMAC Prestige Card to earn points. For Prestige members whose cards are undergoing renewal, points redemption can only be done using the renewed card.
What happens to the points on my old SMAC Prestige Card when I claim my new one?
All points from your old SMAC Prestige Card are automatically transferred to your new SMAC Prestige Card upon claiming.
What is the validity period of my renewed Prestige membership?
Your SMAC Prestige membership is automatically renewed when you meet the spending requirement of at least Php120,000 before your next card expiry date.
Your new SMAC Prestige membership will be valid for another 12 months.
Qualified members are notified on the 1st week of the following month of their automatic renewal.
What will happen to my SMAC Prestige membership if I do not meet the Php120,000 spending requirement
Should you not meet the minimum spending requirement, you will be downgraded to your unexpired higher-tier linked account.
How does SMAC Prestige renewal work?
SMAC Prestige renewal is determined automatically by tracking your spending. DAC reserves the right to evaluate and qualify members for renewal based on their spending.
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