125 SMAC Points
when you convert 500 AirAsia points
January 16, 2025 to December 31, 2027
Earn 125 SMAC Points when you convert 500 AirAsia points.
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How to Avail
- Log in to your account on the AirAsia MOVE app.
- Tap the “Rewards” banner on the homepage.
- Locate and click the “Earn” icon at the bottom of the page.
- Choose SMAC then select the conversion type “AirAsia to SMAC”.
- Tap “Convert Now” then input the required details along with your SMAC number and the amount of Points to be converted.
- A confirmation screen will appear once the transaction has been completed.
- SMAC Points will be credited to your account within 1 week.
- Conversion is open to SMAC Start, SMAC, and SMAC Prestige members with an AirAsia Rewards account.
- Redemption of SMAC Points is irreversible.
- SMAC and AirAsia Rewards Terms and Conditions apply.